Sunday 26 June 2016

Insomnia, the battle

It's been a tiring day, stressful even, but you can't sleep. Why can't you sleep?

Insomnia, that's why. You can't sleep because your mind is forever active. Your mind is noisy and unruly. You're on your bed, your eyes are shut, but sleep isn't coming to you. It's a struggle, it's a fight. You plead with your mind to let you sleep, but it keeps on and on disturbing those crucial hours of rest. There are people who by just closing their eyes fall into deep sleep. You envy them, you want to be like them. You wish you could fall fast asleep like them.

Well, there is a solution to your sleeping problem. You see, you can't sleep because your mind is ever screaming, always active, too much noise in your head. You are going to have to silence the voices in your head, the thoughts. How do you do this? Simple, just think of something stupid. Yes, you read right, as you lie on your bed and shut your eyes try not to force yourself to sleep by begging yourself to sleep. All you need do is think of something stupid.

The period of sleep awakens funny activities in the brain, you begin to dream things that are impossible, dreams that you forget as soon as you wake. What does this tell you? Well, it gives us a better understanding of the nature of sleep. The things we see while we sleep don't make sense. So, isn't it a matter of commonsense that nonsense thoughts actually could make you sleep? Yes, think of funny things while your eyes are shut, think of a flying mat or a taking wall or tree, or a mysterious story. This is the fastest way to fight insomnia and to enter the realm of sleep. Don't try to logically force yourself to sleep, it won't work. Sleep in not logical. So think crazy, think impossible. The crazier you think, the faster you fall asleep.

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